
The logistics department coordinates departmental and individual offices moves.

Preparing for a Move

  Submit a Moving Request

Complete an online  at least 20 working days in advance of when you would like to move. When completing the Service Request:

  • Note if there are book cases, keyboard trays or other attached items, so that the carpenters can prepare those items for your move.
  • Include how you'd like your furniture placed in your new space. (Example: Place desk next to window. Book case along the right wall.)
  • If there are any IT related items such as phones, computers, ipads, etc please contact IT and complete an IT Service Desk Ticket.

Once a move is scheduled you will be notified via email.


Prior to Move Date:

Please ensure all of the following items are boxed and labeled with your name and new location.

  • Binders
  • Books
  • Personal desk items
  • All miscellaneous items

Items without labels will not be moved.

Day Of: Moving

Please have everything ready and labeled on the scheduled date. Your presence is not required for the move.

For your own safety, please do not help move heavy items.

Contact Us

Preech Pollapun
  • Logistics Services Specialist
  • 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd
  • Hayward, CA 94542