Develop/Refine and Align |
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- Develop or refine the assessment tool. The Office of General Education (GE) will coordinate the development of a new or refinement of an existing assessment instrument (e.g., rubric, test) by faculty with expertise in the given GE area.
- Align a key assignment or activity. In coordination with faculty who teach in the given GE area, key assignments or activities will be aligned to the specific GE learning outcomes and the assessment instrument.
Collect Student Work |
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- Coordinate collection. The Office of GE and the GE Assessment Committee will coordinate the collection of student work.
- Identify student work for collection. In coordination with faculty teaching selected GE courses, student work on key assignments or tests will be identified for collection per GE assessment plans.
- Collect student work. Student work will be collected from selected GE courses using an online platform, e.g., Blackboard Outcomes.
Analyze Student Work |
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- Assess student work. Faculty designated by departments/programs will score student work using standardized rubrics or other validated assessment tools.
- Analyze assessment data. Data will be summarized and compared to previous year(s).
- Disseminate results. A report of the assessment results will be provided to CAPR, the GE Subcommittee, and the Office of General Education.
Implement Changes |
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- Make decisions. Departments and committees will identify changes (if needed) as informed by the assessment results with the goal of improving student learning.
- Implement decisions. Pedagogical, curricular, or programmatic changes will be planned or made as needed.