Monique Manopoulos, Ph.D.

Monique Manopoulos

Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures

Modern Languages and Literatures


Phone: 510-885-4738

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Postcolonial Francophone Studies

Languages spoken besides English

French and Italian


Dr. Monique Manopoulos was born in Marseille, France. After graduating from the Université de Provence with a degree in English, she received a Ph.D in French Literature from The University of Iowa in 1994, in French Renaissance and Twentieth Century Literatures.

Her research now focuses on the fashioning of a literary identity within the contexts of Post-Colonialism through the study of language structures in literature and film by Beur and Maghrebi authors. Her articles appear in collections of essays and Literary Reviews, such as Expressions Maghrébines. Her book, Tonneaux à fonds perdus: carnavalesque et tiers-espace chez Rabelais et Queneau, was published in the Spring of 2008 by Peter Lang.