Pete McCloskey featured in Osher Lifelong Learning lecture series

  • April 12, 2011

Pete McCloskey featured in the Osher Lifelong Learning Lecture Series

Paul Norton "Pete" McCloskey Jr. former politician who served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1967 to 1983 spoke to a crowd of over 50 people during an Osher Lifelong Learning Institute lecture this March. 

McCloskey co-authored the 1973 Endangered Species Act and ran as a republican candidate for president in 1972.  He was joined by 7th district Senator Mark DeSaulnier to discuss past and current politics and answer questions. 

This lecture is one of many hosted at the Concord Campus through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) program.  Upcoming lectures include Biology as a Team Sport on April 13 and Retirement Income: Programs in Peril on May 11.  Lectures are free for OLLI members and/$5 for non-members.  Visit the for more information or to register for the program.