Affordable Learning Solutions (ALS) Subcommittee of CIC


Membership: One faculty representative of each College and the Library, a faculty member of CIC, if no other member of the subcommittee is a member of CIC, and one student representative from ASI. In addition, one representative each from Accessibility Services, the Bookstore, Duplicating Services, and Online Campus, but these members do not count for quorum. 

Responsibilities: The CIC Affordable Learning Solutions (ALS) Subcommittee reviews issues pertaining to the financial cost to students of required academic materials including, but not limited to, textbooks and course reader packs. They are also concerned with the availability of public domain sources of information for educational purposes.

Brian Gonsalves, CSCI (CIC)
Missy Wright, CEAS
Daisy Muralles, LIB
Doug Ferguson, Accessibility Services
Cheryl Saelee, Online Campus
Zahara Bryant, Bookstore
Casey Gielen, Bookstore
Yashica Avahd, ASI
