Events & Reservations

How to Submit an Event in BaySync

As the President or Treasurer of your student organization, you will have Page Administrator access which allows you to create and submit event requests for your organization. All events hosted by your student organization must be submitted in BaySync. This includes on-campus, off-campus, and online events and events that are open to the public and member only events. 

Submitting events in BaySync allows SLIC to know if you need reservations, resources (tables, chairs, tech, etc.), finances, vendors, liability, etc. in addition to promoting your event and organization to all of campus! 

Page Administrators (Page Admins) are the only roles that are allowed to submit events and edit organization details. If your organization wishes to add more page admins (up to 3 additional officers), the President will need to request access for these officers by emailing with their position, first and last name, net id, and horizon email.


Events should be submitted in BaySync 14 days (2 weeks) in advance, no exceptions. Any event submitted late is subject to automatic denial. 

  1. Log into BaySync and navigate to your organization's landing page.
  2. Find the dropdown arrow next to your organization’s name and select Create Event.
  3. A form will popup and you will need to complete the information on the Create Event and Hosts form
    The information on this form will be the information displayed on BaySync! 
    **Event Visibility “Organization” means ONLY to the Organization Members and “Institution” is public for ALL campus to see.
  4. After you complete the form, make sure you click Next and you will be directed to an external Event Submission Process form for your organization event/reservation details. The information submitted on this form will not be displayed on BaySync.
    NOTE: This form is to collect anything the organization needs for reservations such as room reservations, resources, finances, vendors, liability, travel, etc. 
    **The questions on this form depend on answers you provide and the type of event you will be hosting or taking part in.
  5. After you complete the form, make sure you click Submit at the very end. 

Once your event has been submitted it will be routed to SLIC to review, process, and approve.

The organization is responsible for checking and replying to any communication in case your SLIC needs additional information and/or clarification on your event. This is usually sent to your horizon email. Additionally, the organization is responsible for scheduling any necessary meetings with SLIC depending on the event.

If you want to check if the space (classroom, lawns, etc.) is available for the date/time you are looking to host your event, check it on 25Live! 

You DO NOT need to log in to see space availability!

  1. Visit
  2. Subject Object: Locations
  3. In the Search Bar type in the location you are look for then click Search.
    For example, if you search "lawn" all the reservable our door lawn spaces will show up.
  4. Click on the "name" of the location and select the Availability tab to see if the space is available on the date/time your are looking for.
    Daily will show you th full daily schedule and Weekly will show the schedule by week. 

You cannot make a reservation through 25Live as a student organization. SLIC must make reservation in 25Live for student organizations.

RSOs can make purchases for any RSO related event and or activity. The first step is to always submit your event in BaySync!

RSOs can use the following options to utilize funds in their AS Account. Visit the Finance Policy page and/or the for more information about RSO Finances.

  • Cash Advance or Cash Reimbursement (up to $500)
  • SLIC Staff Procurement Card Purchases
  • Short Term Limited Scope (STLS)
  • Paying for Services, Travel, or Transactions over $500
  • Check Request
  • Major Purchases Over $1,000 or Rental Services

If the RSO wants to request ASI Funding they must submit their event in BaySync, then submit the ASI Funding Application Form 31 days prior to the event start date. Late applications will not be accepted. Visit the ASI Funding Website for more information about the ASI funding policies.

If a RSO plans to use an off-campus catering service, they must provide a business license, a health permit, and proof of insurance to their SLIC Staff.
RSOs must complete an event request within the timelines established by Student Leadership and Involvement Center to have an event with food.

No home preparation of food for public consumption is allowed.

Events with food must adhere to Alameda County Food Handling Requirements. FOOD SAFETY is the primary concern for all events with food. RSO members must have a food handlers license (copy of the license must be provided to the SLIC Staff). Otherwise, food should be self-serve.

Visit the  for the complete Food Policy.

Getting the word out on campus about your organization and its programs is a critical part of building your organization and attracting new members. In the section that follows, we've identified and summarized the primary ways to publicize your organization on campus. For the full campus posting policy, visit the University Communications Posting Guidelines

Bulletin Boards

Students, Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs), faculty/staff of the University, and non-university individuals may post signs on bulletin boards (indoor and outdoor) and kiosks designated as "General Bulletin Boards." Approval is not required.

NOTE: Departmental Bulletin Boards are identified, controlled and maintained by specific departments, and only materials approved by that department are allowed to be posted. University Bulletin Boards are for posting of official University documents and announcements. Other posted materials are subject to removal.

Illegal Posting
The posting of signs on building surfaces, windows, glass doors, benches, utility poles, sculptures, garbage receptacles, railings, trees, traffic control signs, and sidewalks is not allowed. Placement of written/printed materials on vehicle windshields is prohibited. Violators are subject to all charges incurred for the clean-up of such littered materials on campus grounds.

General Bulletin Board Posting Guidelines

  • Signs, posters, brochures, announcements and notices are NOT to exceed 11 x 17 inches. Larger posters must be approved by Student Leadership and Involvement Center (SLIC).
  • Only signs announcing and promoting university events, activities and programs are permitted. All other postings are subject to removal. Events must be open to the public to be eligible for posting.
  • All postings announcing a university event must contain the following statement concerning accessibility: “Individuals that require accommodations for this event please contact Accessibility Services by [10 business days prior to event date]. email: | phone: 510-885-3868.”
  • Signs, advertisements and announcements must be identified with the name of the individual or organization responsible for the event, activity or program. Otherwise, the posting is subject to removal.
  • Postings must be maintained by the sponsoring group(s) and may not cover or block previously approved/authorized posted materials. Any postings that are not removed within the stated time after the last date of an event may be removed by an authorized university representative.
  • Signs may not be posted more than 14 days prior to the event and must be removed no later than three days following the event.
  • Duplicate signs on the same bulletin boards are subject to removal.
  • Signs shall be posted by thumbtacks or staples only. Campus-affiliated organizations may be charged for cost incurred by the removal of signs or repair to university property due to improper postings.
  • Signs written in a language other than English must contain an English translation.
  • Removal of signs, other than by the posting party or university personnel acting pursuant to their duties, is prohibited.
  • Postings not in compliance with these guidelines will be subject to removal.

General Bulletin Board Locations

(Locations subject to change without notice)

Art & Education Building
1st Floor: Near rooms 107, 111A, 137, 168, 177, 194 (2); Across from 1236 and in the snack room
2nd Floor: Near rooms 205, 208, 214, 221, 224, 285, 286, 293, 294; between 260 and 260E (2) and next to the elevators
3rd Floor: Near rooms 301, 303 and 305

Meiklejohn Hall
1st Floor: Near room 1096
2nd Floor: Entrances on each side of 2002 (2), 2032 (2) & 2064 (2)
3rd Floor: In the snack room, near rooms 3019, 3043 and 3089 
4th Floor: Near rooms 4011, 4058, 4075 and 4115

Robinson Hall
2nd Floor: Inside 224

Science Building - North
1st Floor: In THE CAVE (snack room) (2) near the entrance
2nd Floor: Near rooms N207, N215 & N216 (2)
3rd Floor: Near room N33
4th Floor: Near rooms N450 & N406

Science Building - South
There are no general bulletin boards located in this building.

Physical Education and Gym
1st Floor: On left wall near main door to the gym (opposite the food concession stand).
Landing: Stairwell that leads to the Music & Business building walkway.

Music Building
1st Floor: Near rooms A1015, A1039 (2), 1097, 1587; Inside 1511
2nd Floor: Near rooms A2052, A2110, A2560, 2605, 2515 (2), 2519, 2524
Landings: All 3 stairwells

Student Services Administration Building
1st Floor: Lobby, across from elevators
2nd Floor: Lobby, across from elevators, SA2200 (break room)
3rd Floor: Lobby, across from elevators, SA3200 (break room)
4th Floor: Lobby, across from elevators, SA4600 (break room)

All approved student events are listed BaySync. All events must be submitted in BaySync prior to approval. If you have a special event that is not listed or wish to post additional information about your event, contact

Banners/Building Exteriors

Recognized student organizations may reserve designated locations on the exterior of University buildings to post banners. Banners posted on University buildings may be posted for a maximum of two weeks and only to advertise events for which University approval has been obtained.

Student organizations must reserve space through Student Leadership and Involvement Center in order to hang banners in the following approved banner locations on campus:

  • Library - (South) - facing the food stands.
  • Library - (North) - facing Music & Business.
  • Library - (South) facing the University Union.
  • Library - (North) facing Physical Education.
  • Music/Business - South entrance on the east or west wall.
  • Meiklejohn Hall - Railing at north entrance on east or west railing.
  • Physical Education - Main entrance and west wall.
  • North Science Building - 2nd Floor railing.
  • Top of Library / Warren Hall stairwell - railing facing Warren Hall.
  • Concord Campus - as approved by the Coordinator of Student Affairs.

Each club may reserve a maximum of three (3) spaces per week. Each organization is generally allowed a maximum of two (2) week per quarter for displaying their banners. The sponsoring organization is responsible for placing and removing banners and for cleaning up any tape or twine used to affix the banner to the building.

Student organizations must reserve space through the University Union in order to hang banners along any of the University Union railings.

Student Leadership and Involvement Center Supplies


Student Leadership and Involvement Center maintains supplies (paper and markers) for organizations to make banners. Visit the Student Leadership and Involvement Center (SLIC) in the South Union, Room 2011 for access to these resources.

Additional Publicity Resources On-Campus

  • Digital marquees

All approved student events are listed BaySync. All events must be submitted in BaySync prior to approval. If you have a special event that is not listed or wish to post additional information about your event, contact

For some activities (like travel, physical activities, and events with minors) participants will be required to complete an activity liability waiver. SLIC staff will notify your organization when participants need to complete an activity liability waiver. Liability waivers need to be fully completed and returned to SLIC (South Union 2011) within 2 days (48 hours) after the event has concluded.

Liability waivers must be completed in ink (physically signed with pen) unless noted otherwise from SLIC. Failure to complete and/or return liability waivers to SLIC is a violation of RSO policies.

Click here to download the campus Activity Liability Waiver