Conservation Links

Websites including Conservation Tools, Forest Management, Climate Change, and CRISPR Gene Editing Sites 


Green Biome Institute Web Site




California Dept of Fish & Wildlife Botanical Garden Partners for Endangered Plant Preservation


California Plant Rescue- Database of Endangered Plants including Seed Collections


Calif Native Plant Society (CNPS)- California Rare Plant Database


CNPS Manual of California Vegetation- Mapped Locations of all Rare California Trees and Plants


Web Soil Survey- Shows detailed composition and characteristics of the soil at all locations in the United States.


National Clonal Germplasm Library Davis, CA- America's Living Orchard of all known Stone Fruit


National Clonal Germplasm Parlier, CA- America's Living Garden of drought tolerant plants


National Clonal Germplasm Riverside, CA.- America's Living Garden of all known Citrus, also water efficiency, and salinity research


Plant Medicine                                                                                                                                   


US Forest Service Estimating Carbon in your Farm and Orchard and Forest


US Forest Service Forecast of Climate change on plants


US Forest Service Interactive Climate Slide Maps- Heat, Grow zones


US Forest Service Drought Summary Tool


Examples of NFS response to climate change... resiliency, able to bounce back from disturbances,
Larger trees
Prescribed fire
Thin Dense strands...
Increase species diversity----- the only one that changes the plants present
Increase stock of seed banks


US Forest Service Examples of New Forest Management Policies


Managing and Evaluating Trees and Tree Planting

iTree Tree Planting effect on CO2 and Climate Savings Calculator


Education about Climate Change


NFS Seed Zone Mapping 880m x 800m climate                                                                          3/3


Seed Lot Selection Tools with Climate Change Models Included

***Seed Lot Selection Tool
Seed Selection Tool for Western United States
Various and Customizable Climate Change Models....
Where will I find seeds for my land in a particular Climate future...?
Where should my current seeds be planted?


Phenotype Map- See Satellite Map of last week's History of Greening, Drought, Soil Moisture


Seed Zone Map U.S.


UC Forest Info Web Site


5 types of CA. Pine Forest Trees

Forest Trees-Summaries of different Tree types


CRISPR EDUCATION and source for Presentation Graphics


Homologous Recombination Video Tutorials