Teaching Support

Teaching Support: Books
Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education Edited by Banks, J. A. (2012). A four-volume encyclopedia with about 700 signed entries with cross-references and recommended readings in diversity education literature. It presents research and statistics, case studies, and best practices, policies, and programs at pre- and postsecondary levels.
Teaching for Diversity and Social Justice Edited by Adam, M., Bell, L.E., and Griffin, P. (2007) A sourcebook of theoretical foundations and curricular frameworks for social justice teaching practice that offers coverage of current issues and controversies with hands-on format and inclusive content. It presents a foundation for engaging the complex and often daunting problems of discrimination and inequality in American society. This book includes a CD-ROM with extensive appendices for participant handouts and facilitator preparation.
Readings for Diversity and Social Justice Edited by Adams, M., Blumenfeld, W., Castañeda, C., Hackman., H., Peters, M., Zúñiga (2013) An anthology covering the full range of social oppressions from a social justice standpoint. Contains full sections dedicated to racism, sexism, classism, heterosexism, and ableism, as well as transgender oppression, religious oppression, and adult and ageism.
Teaching Support: Videos
Neil Degrasse Tyson on a panel Neil Degrasse Tyson, on a panel discussing diversity, gender, science and technology, makes a comment about the barriers he experienced in becoming an astrophysicist, and relating it to the lack of women in science.
The Power of Vulnerability In a poignant, funny talk, Brené Brown talks about her research into human connection — our ability to empathize, belong, love.
Teaching Support: Websites
Univ. of Mass. Diversity and Inclusion Website A list of articles and resources on the Univ. of Mass website about diversity and social justice.
Radical Math website Radical Math Teachers are educators who work to integrate issues of economic and social justice into math classes, and seek to inspire and support other educators to do the same.