ES Major Advising



FALL 2024

ES Advising Assignments

Students Last Name







 Dr. Anndretta Wilson

Tuesdays and Wednesdays

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM


How to Schedule an Advising Appointment

Advising appointments for FALL 2024 may occur online or in-person. To make an appointment with your major advisor, please schedule your appointment through . If you are not familiar with Bay Advisor, you can email for an appointment. The best way to get your questions answered is to make an advising meeting.

When to see an advisor

  • New Students:
    When you first declare your major/minor, it is important to meet you’re your faculty advisor so they can explain major requirements and help you make a plan.
  • Students filing for graduation:
    You are required to meet with your advisor to complete your “grad check” sheet. For those graduating in SPRING or SUMMER, you should complete a "grad check" sheet during FALL semester.

Our Department Administrative Coordinator is Erika Diaz-Apodaca

If you need help connecting with your advisor or making an appointment, please email.

Our Department Chair is Dr. Enrique Salmon

Dr. Salmon oversees the department and all advising matters.
Dr. Salmon can meet with you if you are experiencing difficulties and need further assistance.