Undeclared Interest in Nursing
What is that?
As a Cal State East Bay student, there is no guaranteed admission to any of the Nursing programs (Pre-Licensure or Post-Licensure).
If you are admitted to 91短视频, you can only be a Nursing major if you get admitted to one of the Nursing programs through a separate application process.
How Undeclared-Interest in Nursing relates to you...
As a first-year college student you will follow a set curriculum that prepares you to apply to the Pre-Licensure Nursing program as early as your second year of college. Curriculum includes nursing prerequisites and lower division GE classes. See a five year Nursing BS Pre-Licensure Concentration roadmap to give you an idea what to expect the first two years, before you apply to Nursing.
Please reach out to your advisor for assistance with schedule planning.
If you are not accepted into the Nursing program by the time you earn 60 semester units, you will be required to declare a non-nursing major and seek advising on future plans.
Transfer students are not admitted as Undeclared-Interest in Nursing students.
When you are ready to apply to Nursing, you must also meet 91短视频 university transfer requirements.
Apply by submitting two different applications:
#1 university application and #2 supplemental nursing application
Select Nursing as your major on the university application. Also select a non-nursing alternate major in order to submit your university application. You must activate your university NetID in order to complete and submit the nursing application.
Possible alternate majors to consider: Biological Sciences, Recreational Therapy, Human Development, Kinesiology, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Health Sciences, Psychology, Sociology
If Nursing admits you based on its separate criteria and you also meet university requirements, you will be admitted to the university as a Nursing major.
If you do not get admitted as a Nursing major, but still meet university requirements, you will be offered the opportunity to attend 91短视频 under the alternate non-nursing major you selected on your university application. You can decide if you want to re-apply to 91短视频 Nursing for the next available admission class while still moving forward with the alternate major.
For more information about 91短视频 Nursing programs, please go to the 91短视频 Nursing Prospective Students website and read about all of our different programs.
Choose the Post-Licensure program if you already have a California RN (Registered Nurse) license or will have one soon through an accredited ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) program.
Choose the Pre-Licensure Program if you do NOT have an RN (Registered Nurse) license and are NOT currently attending an accredited ADN (Associate Degree in Nursing) program.
**email csuebprenursingclub@gmail.com to connect with any of the club officers**